Weekly Roundup for March 22, 2021


Microsoft has released the March update to Power BI! Be sure to check it out.


The Power BI Embedded Playground has needed an update for a while. That update is now available. You can even edit the code right in the playground.


You can use any generic ODBC data source in Power BI Paginated Report Builder.


I love this idea of using Microsoft Forms as a dead-simple data input technique and then analyzing that data in Power BI.


Microsoft has released some very welcome enhancements to the Diagram View of Power Query Online.


I’m not familiar with Dremio, so I enjoyed reading Meagan Longoria’s analysis of it. In short, it is a tool for placing a semantic layer overtop a data lake. If you have a data lake or are thinking of moving in that direction, this is definitely something worth reading, though it seems that Dremio might need a bit of further maturity.


Adam Saxton has five ideas that every report designer should consider when building their reports.


Laura Graham-Brown at Hat Full of Data has a great listing of resources for anyone getting into paginated reports.