Weekly Roundup for March 15, 2021


In case you missed it, Matthew Roche presented at the Nashville Modern Excel & Power BI User Group on Creating a Data Culture with Power BI. Fun, witty, entertaining, and tremendously valuable. If you missed it, be sure to check out the recording.


Patrick LeBlanc has a great idea for creating notifications. This example uses Excel for developers to document changes to reports, and that materializes in the report so that report consumers can see the latest updates.


I have to admit, I didn’t realize you could do this. Whenever Power BI auto-generates relationships in my models, I always have to check them and often have to fix them. This varies from useless to downright frustrating. Reza Rad shows a quick tip to stop Power BI from doing this. I’ll use this for all my Power BI models from now on.


Adam Saxton has created a great introductory video for you to share with any end users new to Power BI.


Reid Havens shows you how to add adjustable bands to a line chart. I thought this was an interesting trick.


Patrick LeBlanc gives some great suggestions for people struggling with creating DAX measures.