Weekly Roundup for February 1, 2021


The Power BI 2021 Release Wave 1 is out!


If you’re Power BI-curious and want a good place to start, Adam Saxton shows you how to create your first report.


If you’re a Power BI admin and want to know what data protection offerings Microsoft provides, here’s a good run down.


Gregory Petrossian has a terrific, thorough review of the differences in Power BI licensing.


I’ve been saying for years that you should always try, as much as possible, to push your transformations as far upstream as feasible. Within Power BI, that means using query folding to push data changes back to the source. One problem with that has always been that it is opaque the things that break query folding, making it difficult to construct well-architected queries without writing them from scratch. Now Power Query Online (and, soon, Power Query Desktop) will have an icon for each step indicating whether that step will fold, making it much easier to craft performant queries.


Incremental refresh is critical for enterprise-grade business intelligence or any report that is consuming large amounts of data. Patrick LeBlanc gives shows you how to do that. (Premium or Premium-per-User is required.)