Weekly Roundup for January 25, 2021


On Thursday, January 21, Meagan Longoria presented to the Nashville Modern Excel & Power BI User Group on Practical Application of Storytelling Techniques in Power BI. You can check out the recording of her presentation here and her slide deck here.


Alberto Ferrari explains a new DAX capability released in December 2020, DEFINE COLUMN.


Reza Rad has a basic introduction to how an enterprise should think about structuring their workspaces.


Ron Ellis Gaut at CSG is kicking off a series of articles on DevOps. I thought this was an interesting read and hope they will cover the best practices of DevOps for the data analytics and BI teams.


Patrick LeBlanc gives you a quick primer on the GUI for Power Query. If you aren’t that familiar with it, it’s definitely a good place to start.