Weekly Roundup for August 17, 2020


The August 2020 version of Power BI Desktop is out!


The Italians (Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo) are out with the second edition of their great DAX Patterns book. This should be in the toolkit of every Microsoft BI professional.


Matt Allington gives you a strategy for fixing erroneous data in Power BI.

  1. Fix the source

  2. Self-referencing tables

  3. Using override tables


I keep mentioning how you should use master, or “promoted”, datasets and then reuse those datasets for all your BI needs. Reid Havens has a quick video up showing you how to take an existing .pbix file and accomplish that in minutes.


Patrick LeBlanc has this great 3-minute video showing you 3 tricks of Power Query. Definitely pay attention to #3. It’s a great way to comment your code, and the comments surface both in the advanced editor and in the transformation steps.